Thursday, December 1, 2005

NOVA ScienceNOW Café at GaETC

The GaETC conference came to town November 9th -11th. We, at Georgia Public Broadcasting, took this opportunity to hold a NOVA ScienceNOW Café at our booth on Wednesday morning. We served refreshments, had a guest speaker, and showed a video clip. The topic was a hot one - hurricanes. Lisa Mozer, the meteorologist with Fernbank Science Center, gave a riveting presentation all about hurricanes. Our viewers learned about the history of some of the biggest hurricanes, how hurricanes are formed, how they are named, and the different types. We then showed a NOVA video clip that first aired back in January of 2005. The clip covered what would happen to New Orleans if a big hurricane hit the city. It foretold the destruction of Katrina. We had a full house at our presentation and two lucky winners took home flash drives donated for raffle by NOVA.