Explore our early American heritage through Colonial Williamsburg's Electronic Field Trips. The series uses today's technologies to discover the past. During the live, interactive broadcast events, students speak by phone to historic characters and experts. Throughout the school year, students participate in web site activities and Internet forums.
Georgia schools may watch, record and use the programs in the classroom at no cost. Schools that wish to actually participate in the live broadcasts and access the many support materials must register and pay a fee. (The fee is $100 per school per program. Discount options are available.) Support materials include a Teacher's Guide, including lesson plans, primary source documents, glossary, time lines and historical background; Web site Access, featuring web adventures, discussion forum, online voting, and email; access to the 1-800 number for call-ins during the live broadcast; colorful poster; introductory video; and tips for teacher booklets. To register call 1-800-761-8331 or visit www.history.org/trips/.
Seven live field trips are scheduled to air on PeachStar's Channel 410 this school year. The first is "Missions To America," which airs 1-2 PM, Thursday, October 5. On this field trip, students travel to America's first English settlement, a French Great Lakes trading post and a Spanish mission in the Southwest to explore how different European nations colonized America.