Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Georgia Improves on National Writing Test

Georgia's 8th graders are scoring at the national average in writing, according to the 2007 National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP) results. Released last week, the results showed that 88 percent of Georgia 8th graders scored at or above basic proficiency levels, one point higher than the nation. This was a six-point jump for Georgia since 2002, the last time the NAEP writing test was given.

The NAEP is given to a representative sample of students in every state. Scores are on a scale of 0 to 300 and are broken into four categories -- below basic, basic, proficient and advanced. Georgia students in grade 8 took the NAEP writing exam last year. The students who were tested had been taught using the state's new Reading/English Language Arts curriculum for two years.

"These NAEP results offer further proof that our new curriculum is making a big difference," said State Superintendent of Schools Kathy Cox. "There is no doubt in my mind that the rigor and focus of our new standards is having a positive impact in the classroom."

Superintendent Cox said Georgia has a strong commitment to building students' writing skills. For instance, Georgia is one of few states that tests students in writing at every level of education -- elementary (grades 3 & 5), middle (grade 8) and high school (grade 11).

For more information about NAEP results, CLICK HERE.