GPB is proud to present the new PBS seven-part documentary series The War, beginning Sunday, September 23 at 8 PM. Directed and produced by renowned filmmaker Ken Burns, the series explores the history and horror of the Second World War from an American perspective by following the fortunes of ordinary men and women who get caught up in an extraordinary time.
Six years in the making, this epic 14-hour film, focuses on the stories of citizens from four geographically distributed American towns - Waterbury, Connecticut; Mobile, Alabama; Sacramento, California; and the tiny farming town of Luverne, Minnesota. These four communities stand in for - and could represent - any town in the United States that went through the war's four devastating years.
Be sure to tune in after the broadcast of The War for specially-produced segments that share the personal experiences of Georgians in WWII. The segments were produced by GPB and include participants from GPB's World War II Veterans Oral History Project.
America Goes To War - Georgians share their stories of Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.
An Unequal War - Georgians reflect on their experiences of segregation and racism during World War II.
D-Day - The events of D-Day are seared in the memories of Georgians who lived through it on the battlefront and the homefront.
Battlefield Memories - Georgia veterans share their stories of peril, courage and survival as they fought on land, in the air and at sea.
For more information about GPB's World War II Veterans Oral History Project, please visit, call 1-888-685-0304, or e-mail