GPB's Achieving Excellence: Inside Georgia Schools, a monthly program that brings educational issues in the state of Georgia to the forefront, has started off the New Year with topics that hit home to schools everywhere. New shows for the beginning of 2007 are Principals as Instructional Leaders, Teacher Preparation and Teacher Retention.
January's episode, Principals as Instructional Leaders, features a well-rounded panel of experts that discuss the role of the modern day Principal as instructional leader in today's schools. Also featured in the show are principals from all three levels of public school education that discuss their experiences as principals and share insights into their keys to professional success.
During this month's episode, Teacher Preparation is discussed with special guests Cynthia Rutledge, Georgia Teacher Alternative Preparation Program (TAPP) Coordinator; Dr. Patricia Paterson, Executive Director of Teacher Quality Initiatives; Kimberly L. Toliver, Reading teacher from TJ Elder Middle School; Cheryl Winsor, 1st grade teacher from Unity Grove Elementary School; and Jayne Duncan, AVID teacher from JJ Daniell Middle School.
Next in line for discussion is Teacher Retention, and how schools keep their key players where they need them most - in the classroom.
This monthly news and information show is available as a broadcast program with a video streaming component and extensive web-based resources.
Watch current and past shows here.