Friday, February 9, 2007

PB Education Presents a New Resource for Educators, Students and Parents

GPB Education knows children love to read and write stories. We also know that writing words and drawing pictures is a wonderful way to learn how to read. This is why we have created Unlocking the Writing Process, a new resource featuring author interviews and special highlights from the Decatur Book Festival.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

All New Line-up for GPB's Achieving Excellence: Inside Georgia Schools

GPB's Achieving Excellence: Inside Georgia Schools, a monthly program that brings educational issues in the state of Georgia to the forefront, has started off the New Year with topics that hit home to schools everywhere. New shows for the beginning of 2007 are Principals as Instructional Leaders, Teacher Preparation and Teacher Retention.

January's episode, Principals as Instructional Leaders, features a well-rounded panel of experts that discuss the role of the modern day Principal as instructional leader in today's schools. Also featured in the show are principals from all three levels of public school education that discuss their experiences as principals and share insights into their keys to professional success.

During this month's episode, Teacher Preparation is discussed with special guests Cynthia Rutledge, Georgia Teacher Alternative Preparation Program (TAPP) Coordinator; Dr. Patricia Paterson, Executive Director of Teacher Quality Initiatives; Kimberly L. Toliver, Reading teacher from TJ Elder Middle School; Cheryl Winsor, 1st grade teacher from Unity Grove Elementary School; and Jayne Duncan, AVID teacher from JJ Daniell Middle School.

Next in line for discussion is Teacher Retention, and how schools keep their key players where they need them most - in the classroom.

This monthly news and information show is available as a broadcast program with a video streaming component and extensive web-based resources.

Watch current and past shows here.

Friday, February 2, 2007

FREE Teaching and Learning Resources!

Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE), a website offering federally supported teaching and learning resources at no cost, has been redesigned. With the new design, navigating throughout the site is easier, and visitors can instantly find an abundance of resources from a variety of federal agencies. Subjects covered in the site include art, music, health, physical education, language arts, math, science, history, and social studies.

The goal of FREE is to make it easier to find more than 1500 teaching and learning resources available from the federal government.

Check out the newly designed site at

Great Discounts with PBS TeacherLine Courses!

Educators can find convenient and affordable courses for updating teaching credentials with PBS TeacherLine. This high quality, standards-based professional development resource is available to PreK-12 teachers.

With TeacherLine, teachers can find over 100 online courses that meet their professional development needs and goals, including courses in Reading & Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Instructional Strategies and Instructional Technology.

The courses can be used for re-certification, pay upgrades and Professional Learning Units. Graduate credit can also be earned for an additional fee.

TeacherLine courses are offered at substantial discounts relative to other providers.

More information.

GPB Education Launches Technology Network for Georgia Educators

GPB Education launched the Technology in Education (TIE) Network on January 1, 2007, and all active members of the Discovery Educator Network (DEN) are invited to become members of this new professional organization for Georgia educators.

The TIE Network empowers Georgia educators who are passionate about incorporating technology into the classroom by connecting them with other educators throughout the region. Once connected, educators share ideas, offer support, network and collaborate with other educators who integrate digital media in their classrooms.

Regional events will be conducted by the TIE Network to ensure educators are receiving the support they need to create technology-enhanced instructional resources. Events will include professional development and social gatherings.

Currently, the TIE Network is working on a website that allows Georgia educators to collaborate in a virtual environment. Plans for the website include a searchable resource upload library, blog component, event schedule, TIE Network member spotlight and more.

There are three levels of membership: Affiliate members, pre-service teachers affiliated with the colleges of education in Georgia; Regular members, current educators who are working in Georgia's public, private and home schools; and Advisory Board Leaders (selected by the GPB Education TIE Network manager), educators who assume a leadership position in their schools, districts or regions and who want to be instrumental in the growth and development of the GPB Education TIE Network.

Please e-mail if you are interested in applying to become a member.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions.