Monday, January 29, 2007

Irasshai Participates in ACTFL

If you are in any way related to foreign language education, Nashville, Tenn. was the place to be on Nov. 17 - 19. The 40th Annual American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Convention and Exposition was held there, and GPB was promoting its two foreign language offerings, Irasshai and Salsa.

This year the conference theme was "Discover the Future...Discover Languages," emphasizing the important role that foreign language learning plays in the futures of both students and adults. More than 700 professional workshops, meetings and sessions focusing on all aspects of the teaching and learning of languages and cultures were offered.

Irasshai's TV host and instructor, Dr. Tim Cook, presented his research on videoconferencing from remote locations outside of the classroom. His session included a live videoconference with Irasshai students in San Antonio, Texas and a discussion on the possibilities and obstacles of such "roving instruction."

Thousands of ACTFL attendees came through the exhibit hall, and many of those came by and made inquiries at the GPB booth. Drawings were also held, and a few lucky winners were chosen to receive an Irasshai Explorer video set, t-shirts and Salsa video tapes.

GPB plans to attend Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL) in New York on April 12 - 14, 2007.