The National Association for Education of Young Children's (NAEYC) Annual Conference and Expo will be held Nov. 8-11 in Atlanta, Ga. NAEYC's Annual Conference and Expo is the world's largest early childhood education conference where nearly 25,000 professionals gather each year to learn about important issues in early childhood education and network with others in the field.
Participants can meet representatives from hundreds of companies and organizations that specialize in learning materials for children from birth through age eight. They can also choose from hundreds of sessions, developed around tracks based on the 10 NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standards and other important issues. Conference tracks include:
* Curriculum
* Teachers
* Leadership, Management and Administration
* Advocacy/Public Policy
* Research
* Assessment of Child Progress
The new topic tracks complement the reinvented NAEYC Accreditation system for programs serving young children, which was introduced at the 2005 Annual Conference and Expo. Conference sessions organized around these topic tracks help early childhood educators learn more about the NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standards and how high quality programs benefit children and families.
Another feature of the NAEYC Annual conference is an enormous Exhibit Hall where early childhood educators can see the latest educational and professional tools and learning technology.
The 2006 Annual Conference and Expo will also feature an opening plenary session.