It's a Big, Big World is a new PBS science series for young children featuring a diverse group of animals living in the tallest tree, the World Tree, deep in the center of the rainforest. This show creates a fresh and inviting world for children where they can experience science, geography and music.
Snook, a giant tree sloth, is the viewer's guide through this fascinating world. His friends are Smooch and Winslow, marmoset siblings; Wartz, an agreeable tree frog; Madge, an ancient turtle who happens to have a map of the world on her shell; Burdette the bird, who is full of herself; Bob the Anteater, who tends to worry about everything; Ick, a boastful fish; and Oko, a mischievous old monkey.
You can find It's a Big, Big World on GPB-TV and satellite channel 400.