Georgia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
"Back to the Basics...Move," is the theme for the 2005 GAHPERD Annual Convention. The convention is scheduled for November 10-13, 2005, at the Columbus Convention and Trade Center with special guest speaker, Shirley Ririe.
GAHPERD is a nonprofit organization for professionals and students in related fields of health, physical education, recreation and dance. GAHPERD is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all Georgians by supporting and promoting effective educational practices, quality curriculum, instruction and assessment in the areas of health, physical education, recreation, dance and related fields.
GPB Education Project Manager, Barbara O'Brien will be attending the conference and making a presentation in a session of the Dance Division. Barbara will be reporting on the collaboration between GPB, Brenau University Dance Department, and Richmond County Schools to record Georgia students and teachers as they participated in the two week residency with the Ririe Woodbury Dance Company.
For more information:
GAHPERD's homepage: