Saturday, January 31, 2004

If You're Missing our E-Lerts, Your're Missing Out!

Every month you receive Pipeline Magazine, a great source for broadcast schedule information AND important information about PeachStar initiatives and resources. In addition to Pipeline, PeachStar is now offering E-lerts, electronic updates containing a variety of resources whose time-sensitive nature demands that they reach educators across the state more quickly than the monthly delivery of Pipeline allows. Sent out as emails, E-lerts may include:

* Descriptions and copyright information for new PeachStar programs airing during the current month
* Information about upcoming professional development opportunities for teachers and media specialists
* Information about upcoming opportunities for students to participate in PeachStar/Georgia Public Broadcasting-sponsored activities
* Important information about interruptions or failures of satellite and other services
* Tutorials for how to utilize PeachStar services such as video on request, video streaming, etc.
* Updates to the broadcast schedule published in Pipeline

Signing up to receive E-lerts is easy and is a good investment of a few minutes of your time. Go to the PeachStar homepage at and click on the link that says "Stay Informed of PeachStar Initiatives" under the News Column. This will take you to an online sign up sheet that will ask you for basic information such as your name, school and school district, and email address. Be VERY careful to make sure you enter the correct email address to ensure that we are able to reach you - even the tiniest typing error in this field will prevent us from being able to deliver E-lert messages to you. Once you've filled out all of the fields on the sign up sheet, click on the Submit button - it's as easy as that to get on the distribution list for the most up-to-date PeachStar information available. Take a moment today to sign up and make sure that you don't miss out on important information you need to use PeachStar most effectively in the classroom.