As technology trends continue to wax digital, PeachStar remains on the cutting edge by expanding our online delivery system to include greater amounts of high quality programming, including professional development webcasts tailor-made for Georgia educators. Now, more than ever, is the time for teachers and media specialists to begin taking advantage of this alternative delivery system.
PeachStar first made video streaming available in September 2001, allowing students and teachers across the state of Georgia to access educational video clips over the Internet without the use of a VCR. Two years later, our video streaming repository now houses more than 20,000 video clips from more than 5,000 different programs, including many of PeachStar's originally-produced programs. Unlike satellite-delivered programming, video streaming allows teachers and students to search for video assets on-demand by grade, subject area, or keyword. Each of the videos has also been correlated to the appropriate Georgia Quality Core Curriculum Standards; teachers may also search for clips using QCC Standard as a criterion.
PeachStar's video streaming allows educators to utilize video resources in an entirely new way than ever before: through segments. Segmented video resources give educators the flexibility to select only those clips that apply directly to the standards they intend to teach rather than using valuable class time showing an entire full-length video.
Just like the programming PeachStar airs via satellite, the videos available via video streaming are subject to copyright limitations. In order to protect the distribution of these resources and ensure their continued availability to Georgia educators, the streaming website is password protected. Each school gets its own username and password, which allows educators from the school to stream and download video resources and ancillary materials. This feature also allows PeachStar to collect information about who is getting the most benefit out of the streaming service as well as those schools who may require additional training and support. The top users of the video streaming service have logged between 30,000 to 47,000 views since the site's inception. The PeachStar team applauds these users for being pioneers with this new educational technology!
Since the site launched, PeachStar has recorded 526,095 successful transactions. This means that 526,095 of video clips have been either downloaded or streamed live for use in Georgia classrooms. Use of video streaming continues to grow as more and more educators take advantage of PeachStar's training opportunities and become familiar with the use of the technology in the classroom. If you would like to learn more about how video streaming can impact your classroom, download the user guide on the PeachStar website at and call (404) 685-2550 to schedule an onsite training.