Communicating his college aspirations message directly to middle-school and high-school students via PeachStar's statewide satellite network, University System of Georgia Chancellor Thomas C. Meredith will encourage Georgia students to enroll in the College Prep Curriculum (CPC).
Chancellor Meredith and other University System officials want to increase the number of students graduating from high school prepared to meet the System's admissions requirements, which continue to rise at the campuses each year. Georgia has a low number of high-school students who enter undergraduate degree programs immediately after completing high school; the chancellor wants to raise the aspirations of Georgia students and help them make informed choices about their postsecondary options.
The University System offers students hundreds of degree programs from which to choose. Chancellor Meredith wants students to consider the wide variety of college options available to them in Georgia, and to start thinking early about what courses are required to gain admission into college. In particular, Chancellor Meredith wants to emphasize the fact that all of the state?s 34 public colleges and universities require completion of the CPC to gain admission. By enrolling in college prep, students greatly increase their postsecondary options within the state of Georgia.
By increasing the flow of information about the courses middle-school students need to take to qualify for enrollment in the CPC -- and the rigorous CPC courses high-school students must complete -- the chancellor hopes to increase the number of students who will meet the University System's admissions requirements in the future.